Design Home
Narrative Designer, Game Writer, Assc. Content Manager on Electronic Arts' "Design Home" (2020 — Present)

Narrative Designer on Glu Mobile's "Originals" (2020)

Narrative Designer on Wattpad's "Tap" (2017 — 2018)

limbs (2019)
I wrote, directed, and sound-designed this award-winning short film that lived on CBC.

I'm also a crossword constructor!

digital storytelling
A collection of digital projects I wrote or produced for brands (2014 — 2019)

your mother and i (2019)
I produced and won an award for the sound design of this festival-circuit film.

counterpoint (2018)
I wrote and produced this short film.

starring (2018)
I produced and won an award for the sound design of this short film that played festivals internationally.

bangerz' delight - bangerz brass (2018)
Directed, produced, and edited this music video for Toronto hit band Bangerz Brass.